Who’s Your Daddy 3

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What about a cool adventure that will keep you on the edge of your seat? Then this online game is exactly what you need. Who’s Your Daddy is an exciting project for players who adore dynamic gameplays. The plot is incredible simple – you will face only two personages. These are a daddy and a baby. And the whole story is about their interaction. But if you expect peaceful coexistence – you may forget about it. This will be a fierce confrontation instead!

Choose your role!

The best thing about this game is the ability to choose your protagonist. You can play for a daddy or for a kid. If you choose the daddy – be prepared to keep your eye on a mischievous kid as it knows how to get into trouble and can do it instantly. Make sure you scan the house and remove all the dangerous objects before you little baby reaches these. If you are going to transform into a baby, the mission is absolutely different. You must confuse your daddy and hide from him, while trying to explore electricity outlets and various cleansers. Even if each round is very short, the dynamic walkthrough will not allow you to relax even for a second!

Try to win

How can you emerge victories in this entertainment? It entirely depends on your role. The daddy personage must remain on the alert from the first till the last moment to ensure the baby is not damaged or hurt. For the baby, it is necessary to mislead the daddy, hide from him and create unimaginable chaos. Which roles suits you best? Try both and play hard to help your personage win. It is a new and enjoyable experience for active players.

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