Who’s Your Daddy 2

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Looking for a new multiplayer adventure? Then this is the right destination for you! Who’s Your Daddy is a strategy-based game with only two personages. This whimsical escapade is about a turbulent relationship between the baby and the daddy. But it not going to be a peaceful family story as you may expect. On the contrary, it is a fierce confrontation where one of the participants is doomed! Are you sure no one can outperform your reflexes? You need to prove it is this unconventional entertainment!

What is that all about?

The plot unfolds in an ordinary home. It is a hilarious battleground between two players with vastly different objectives. One player assumes the role of the mischievous baby, while the other is a well-intentioned, yet somewhat helpless daddy. The baby’s mission is endless exploration and chaos creation. Armed with insatiable curiosity, the baby starts on a quest about the house to discover and interact with the most dangerous items. Each object becomes a potential source of amusement or peril in its hands. At the same time, the daddy’s mission is to keep the kid safe. Armed with an array of tools and a touch of panic, the daddy strives to stop the baby’s destructive behavior. This hilarious game of cat and mouse unfolds in real-time, as the daddy rushes to secure cabinets, block electrical outlets, and remove any potential hazards before the baby is gets injured.

Who will win?

The walkthrough is true chaos. The baby skillfully avoids the daddy’s attempts at safeguarding while finding ever more inventive ways to harm itself. It’s a comical dance of wit and absurdity. Every round has a fixed timeframe. If you play for the daddy, you should ensure the baby did not reach any hazard by the end of the game. On the other hand, the baby needs to skillfully hide from the daddy and create as much havoc as possible. This personage may even go through virtual deaths, and such a turn will mean that the kid will win. In this household, every room becomes a stage for mischief and mayhem, and the outcome remains uncertain until the timer runs out. Who’s Your Daddy transforms the everyday routine of childproofing into an uproarious, multiplayer experience accompanied by laughter. Are you ready to participate? You will surely enjoy both roles. Check it now which of them is more enjoyable for you. Are you a serious daddy or an uncontrollable kid?

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