The Henry Stickmin Collection

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Meet Henry Stickmin, the clever and adventurous protagonist, who is always on the move, ready to face any challenge. He may look a bit awkward at first glance. But you are here to support him when the hero’s wits are not enough. As always, the character knows well how to get into trouble, and this story is no exception. Are you ready to accompany this weird personage on a series of unbelievable adventures? Note your support is desperately needed!

There are six thrilling challenges!

This game unfolds across six stories, each presenting a unique plot and challenge. Dive into the risk-laden escapades with Henry as he attempts a daring bank heist, and the success or failure rests entirely on your choices. Every decision counts, and a single mistake can seal his fate. Explore various storylines, try different choices, and revel in the spectacular failures that add a special charm to the gameplay. Don’t hesitate to experiment, as even wrong choices contribute to a unique fail count. Each adventure boasts several potential endings. With every new mission, multiple options unfold, but only one leads to success. Will you manage to succeed?

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