The Baby In Yellow

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Welcome to a spine-chilling babysitting venture. What can be so scary when you only need to look after the little baby? Do not rush with conclusions, as your job takes a weird turn from the very first shift. The friendly baby in its yellow onesie conceals secrets that will keep you on edge throughout your stay. The routine turns into a nightmarish ordeal –vanishing objects and flickering lights. But it is a true shock when the baby disappears in the depth of the mansion. Now, you must navigate a maze of traps and dangers within this uncertain environment.

Will you find the baby?

You are to solve a multitude of puzzles. You will discover that this house is a labyrinth of mysteries. Furthermore, it conceals risks that could swiftly lead to your demise. Will you uncover the chilling secrets of the family living here? Try to obtain answers to endless puzzles, avoid traps and dig out the truth. Brace yourself for an immersive horror challenge that will test your wit and courage. Note there are different endings prepared for the players based on their actions.

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