The Amazing Digital Circus

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This online entertainment comes with a mind-bending twist. You will participate an incredible performance that unfolds in a weird digital circus. Six random humans find themselves thrown into this vibrant dimension against their will. Moreover, they transformed into strange cartoonish beings. The place is managed by a ringmaster. It is Caine, an unconventional hero powered by artificial intelligence. Trapped with no escape, all characters must adapt to their surreal surroundings and unravel the mysteries that bind them together

Will anyone escape?

All personages are forced to interact in some ways, even if they do not want this. Sometimes, they find themselves in really dangerous situation that threaten their lives. Fear not, as Caine ensures none of them meet their end. Meet an eclectic crowd of characters, each contributing to the excitement with their diverse personalities. Why are they here, and can they overcome the shadows of their past lives? Start the show now for an unpredictable plot that will keep you hooked from start to finish!

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