PowerWash Simulator

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The main task of this game can be guessed from its title – washing various things. You own a high-pressure water gun to scrub away dirt from anything around. You can easily remove the heaviest dirt from small objects and even spaces like houses, fences, rooms, and even roads. The game promises not only a thorough cleansing process but also an unexpected twist – the chance to cultivate your very own car wash business. Your goal is to foster its growth. But where do the resources come from? Daily tasks hold the key, rewarding you with coins for successful completion.

Craft an efficient strategy

Some tasks demand urgent attention, while others are assessed for quality. Carefully contemplate the type of cleaning required and select the appropriate tools for a flawless outcome. Control the water pressure – it’s a crucial factor. Overusing it on delicate items may lead to damage, while insufficient pressure on larger surfaces will not bring results. Work hard to accumulate funds gradually, expanding your business and purchasing new equipment. Join the water-driven adventure now!

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