Party Animals

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If you’re a fan of thrilling adventures, this brand-new game is highly recommended. In this journey, only a skillfully craft strategy will bring you to a favorable outcome. Assume the role of a fluffy creature tasked with navigating the environment and engaging in battles with similarly dangerous yet irresistibly adorable creatures. Get ready to take decisive action and never give up on the quest for triumph. You can assume the role of any animal – a cute puppy or a lovely corgi. You can even choose to play for a unicorn!

Fight to the fullest!

Besides, during the confrontation you will encounter a variety of interesting tests with original conditions and other interesting details. The controls are really simple. You interact with only three buttons to hit, grab, run and jump. Actions can be combined into combos. Cheerful chaos begins Immediately after the start. It is a world of real fights without rules. All participants run around and hit each other indiscriminately. Are you ready to experience this all – it is time to launch the game!

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