Gmod Guess Who

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Gmod Guess Who is a popular game mode within the Garry’s Mod sandbox. This multiplayer mode transforms the traditional Hide and Seek concept into a thrilling investigative challenge. Players are divided into two groups – the Props and the Hunters. Props try to mask into different objects, seamlessly blending into the environment. At the same time, the Hunters must identify and eliminate them. The catch? Props can mimic other objects, making it a challenging task for the Hunters to understand who’s who.

Who wins in this challenge?

Each round is unpredictable. With a plethora of objects to imitate and an ever-changing environment, the game offers endless possibilities and keeps players on their toes. The blend of strategy, deception, and quick thinking creates a unique and entertaining gaming experience for GMod enthusiasts. The Hunters must identify all Props to win the session. And the Props must skillfully hide until the end of the round to take the upper hand. You can choose any role before you plunge into this adventure. Have fun!

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